Writer / Mary Ann Wietbrock, RN MSN ACNS-BS CMC
Are you excited the New Year has begun and you have started your wellness program? While most will start and end their wellness program in January, hopefully you have resolved to do a longer-range program to really make a difference. It will help you feel better getting up every morning and getting to the plan for the day.
Breakfast will have to be quick and simple and keep you until lunch. Or does it? Pack a low calorie snack or two. If you snack throughout the day, you will consume fewer calories and be less hungry in the evening. Bring a cheese stick and a hardboiled egg for a good protein-based snack later in the morning.
Drinking water in the morning as soon as you get up will help you stay hydrated throughout the day and curb your appetite. Your muscles will feel energized to take the steps up to your office. Be sure to get up every hour and head to the water fountain for a refill. This will keep you alert and productive.
At lunch you will be better able to control your eating as you are not as hungry. You order the salad with light dressing. It helps you feel full and cleansed. Taking the long way back to your desk is your walk after lunch; 10 minutes here and there work best. The box of whole grain crackers and the water bottle will keep you fulfilled throughout the afternoon.
You are ready to leave work on time after being productive all afternoon. You have time to do the errand on the way home. You are doing well today! You arrive early to pick up your kids. Dinner is a favorite you have made many times. Everyone gets a dose of fruits and vegetables. You might even decide on a family walk after dinner.
See? It wasn’t all that hard to get through a healthy day. Keep it up and you’re on your way to a healthier lifestyle. You’ll feel more confident and energetic and find yourself accomplishing more things, more easily!
Mary Ann Wietbrock is a Clinical Nurse Specialist at Cardinal Elements, A Wellness Program for Individuals and Businesses. She is qualified to provide annual wellness physicals; experienced, flexible, onsite, and creative for engaging health fairs and presentations to promote wellness. www.cardinalelements.com. 317-410-9140