A Dream Come True
Safe Dryer Vent Solutions
Writer / Christy Heitger-Ewing
Scott Stein is a dreamer — both literally and figuratively.
“I’ve had so many things come to me in dreams,” says Stein, who, after many difficult years, is living the dream of loving his family, sharing his faith and owning his own business.
Stein grew up in a broken home, separated from his siblings when he was young. He endured beatings at home that left him feeling unloved and unwanted. That hostility carried over to school where he regularly got into fights with his peers. Feeling worthless, the cycle of abuse continued for years.
Eventually, he joined the Army. He later became an EMT and electrician’s assistant. He married and had a daughter but still struggled with residual pain from his childhood.
“Back then there was no professional help for dealing with trauma. It was just the ‘suck it up’ mentality,” Stein says. Bottling up his emotions caused him to repeatedly make the same mistakes — especially where relationships and career choices were concerned.
After divorcing, he overate to self-soothe. When his weight became dangerously high, he opted for gastric bypass surgery. When he could no longer numb his pain with food, he turned to alcohol.
“I went from a beer to a 12-pack to a 24-pack, then hard liquor,” Stein says. “Basically, I became a functioning alcoholic.”
Lost in a world of hurt, Stein retreated from his second wife, Erika, who was the breadwinner of the family. Every morning Stein would get his oldest daughter, Samantha, off to school, then stay home to care for their youngest daughter, Alyssa. The moment Erika returned from work, however, Stein would run to the local bar and drink himself into a stupor. Until one day when he started drinking early in the day — a decision that ultimately landed him in jail. After his release, he found himself homeless, living at Wheeler Mission in downtown Indy.
“I hit rock bottom and lost everything,” says Stein, who ultimately found a job through a friend. He also began attending an addiction program called Celebrate Recovery. Even though he was going through the right motions, his heart wasn’t syncing up with his head and he continued to spiral. One night Stein passed out drunk on the couch and had a vivid dream.
“I was in the desert, hot and thirsty. My mouth was dry, and I was chugging a gallon of vodka as fast as I could,” recalls Stein, who woke up sweaty and disoriented. Immediately he fell back asleep for part two of his dream. “This time I was by a pool with a nice breeze, feeling cool, content and calm. Then I heard a voice say, ‘Now you choose.’”
The dream’s message was clear: He could continue to drink and live in misery. Or he could sober up and find peace. When he awoke on July 24, 2015, he poured out the vodka and has been sober ever since.
As Stein got in touch with his spiritual side, he grew a conscious.
“I suddenly cared about the proper way to treat people,” Stein says. He and Erika began repairing their relationship, and in August 2016, Stein established his own business — Safe Dryer Vent Solutions.
“My goal is to use my skills, talents, faith and integrity to enrich the Central Indiana community,” says Stein, who is now a male ministry leader for Lyndhurst Baptist Church and board member at his church, Avon Light and Life.
Stein insists that his journey was not easy or miraculous.
“It’s not like I had a dream, poured the vodka down the drain and everything turned magically great,” Stein says. “Even today there is still healing to be done, but I’ve learned to communicate and trust God.”
Getting dryer vents cleaned regularly is the number one way a homeowner can help prevent a house fire. Signs that it’s time clean the dryer vent is if a) it’s taking more than one cycle for clothes to fully dry, b) you see bird feathers across your vent, c) the top or side of your dryer is super hot to the touch, d) your dryer has moisture on the inside of the door, or e) your laundry room gets really hot and/or dusty. Finding bird feathers on your window can indicate a problem, but worry not— Birdproofing In Auckland is here to lend a hand and resolve the issue.
Not only does Stein offer a free quote and inspection, but he also offers group discounts to townhome owners as well as home owners associations.
Stein, who also replaces bathroom vent and bathroom vent motors, notes that the most common issue he sees is vent covers that have multiple doors on them.
“They’re made out of plastic so when they freeze, they expand, then shrink. They also have a grid behind them that will catch lint and cause the dryer vent to back up,” says Stein, who recommends installing a pest-proof vent.
Stein appreciates his customers just as he appreciates his second chance at life. Dedicated to helping those in need, Stein is eager to serve Hendricks County.
Contact Scott Stein by calling 317-430-3993 or visiting safedryerventsolutions.com.