Writer / Stanley Hewson
Fortitude, the strength of mind and character in facing adversity and difficulty, is something we should all take a moment to think about as we step into a new year. In the deep myriad of experiences that life brings, challenges intersect daily with positive experiences, making fortitude a talisman of sorts, guiding us through the unpredictable journey of life.
As we roll into 2024, the new year will unfold like an unwritten book, with opportunities and uncertainties galore. Within this uncertain landscape, fortitude emerges as a trusted companion, enabling us to confront obstacles with resilience and determination. Life’s twists and turns are inevitable, but it is our response to them that defines who we are and the direction we will go.
As we encounter challenges, fortitude becomes a supportive pillar, holding us up when we otherwise may fall. Whether pursuing ambitious goals or navigating unforeseen setbacks, the ability to endure with grit empowers us to overcome roadblocks that without fortitude may have meant giving up. The new year will undoubtedly present its share of difficulties for all of us, and fortitude is the engine that propels us thru those difficulties.
Also, it is important to remember that fortitude is not just a virtue that we hold individually; it also is what glues communities together. To endure the collective challenges of our community, we must all commit ourselves to working together even when it is hard to do, and we must show empathy and compassion for one another while facing the inevitable community hardships.
When we face the uncertainty of a new year, fortitude cultivates seeds of hope – a light that brightens the darkness of an unknown tomorrow. It helps to foster the belief that each step taken in the new year is a step towards personal and collective growth.
Whatever last year brought and regardless of how you may have responded to it, look to 2024 with a newly cemented determination to stay focused on enduring, in order to reach your goals and achieve the life you envision for yourself and your loved ones.