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With each new year, people often sit down and try to figure out resolutions. Last year was a tough one in many ways, and hopefully 2021 will hold many happy moments. Resolutions can sometimes feel overwhelming, and oftentimes disappointing. This year, let’s try a fresh approach.
For 2021, create your own bucket list of resolutions you can feel good accomplishing. Complete them any time during the year, at your own pace, and enjoy the moments when you are doing them. Here are a few ideas to get you started.
Read Something
Every year many people decide they are going to read more, but this year let’s take it easy. Just pick something to read. Maybe you’ll start a book that you’ve been wanting to read for a while. Maybe try reading the newspaper every day. Whatever it is, don’t overcomplicate it. Read something, an entire something, and be done with it.
Visit Somewhere
Many people were stuck at home more than usual last year, exploring what’s available to them in their own backyard. Maybe it’s time to visit that state park you haven’t been to, or that new campsite. You can still travel and be safe, and it’s good for the soul – even if it’s just exploring a newly built park down the street. Get outside and visit somewhere new to you. Remember, it doesn’t have to be far.
Cook Something
2020 could possibly be called the year of cooking for many. Still, take time in 2021 to try a new recipe or cook as a family. Try family pizza night, or if you’ve done that, go for something harder. Your kids will love trying to make macarons or some sort of festive cake. If you really want to have fun with it, create a little competition.
Clean Something
All year long things can often get shoved into closets, and now is a great time to tackle them one by one. You can check this one off after you’ve cleaned up a room or a closet, or maybe reorganized a pantry. Whatever it is, pick something you’ll feel good about when you are done.
Watch Something
Many of us have been binging on plenty of old and new TV shows lately. There’s so much out there to watch that sometimes it can be overwhelming. Take a minute to research documentaries online, and choose one that covers a topic you know nothing about. Post on Facebook asking for suggestions from friends for new shows to watch. Pick something and watch it from beginning to end, even if it’s a seven-season sitcom.
Try Something
May I suggest yoga? Try something new that you haven’t done before, and maybe something that will help to alleviate stress and clear your head. It doesn’t have to be yoga – maybe try a new workout or starting a new routine. Think outside the box here, too. It could be a new game, a new sport or a new type of art. Whatever you choose, make it something you can continue to do throughout the new year and maybe longer.
Create Something
Many homes were filled to the brim with artwork in 2020. Every year should be like that. Don’t always leave this to the kids, and remember, creating isn’t limited to painting or drawing a picture. It could be those mudroom lockers you’ve been meaning to build, or maybe it’s that backyard oasis that’s been on your list too.
Make a Donation
Choose a favorite cause, and donate or volunteer this year. There are many people and foundations in need of help after such a rough 2020, and this is the perfect time to get out there and help others. It’s never a bad idea to offer help to those in need, and you can do so in many ways. If you are very busy and can afford it, monetary donations can be helpful. If volunteering in person is more your speed, reach out to your local food bank, homeless shelter or other organization, and find out how you can serve as a volunteer.
Hopefully, these resolutions ideas have given you a start on how to rock your 2021. Wishing you the best in the new year – you’ve got this!