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Franciscan St. Francis Health Inpatient Rehabilitation Center and Outpatient Neurological Rehabilitation Services have launched a new stroke support group.
The kick-off meeting is Wednesday, June 12, from 3 to 4 p.m. at the Indianapolis campus, 2nd Floor, Terrace Conference Room, located at 8111 S. Emerson Ave. (use Entrance 12).
The stroke support group will continue to meet the second Wednesday of every month and focus on educational topics geared toward stroke survivors and their support systems. Featured guest speakers will be on hand to discuss a variety of topics. At these free events, participants can gain insights from knowledgeable speakers and talk with others who are coping with the effects of stroke.
Upcoming dates and topics:
June 12: Caregiver Support-Kate Kunk, Central Indiana Council on Aging
July 10: Preventing another Stroke- Marty Cangany, RN, Franciscan St. Francis Health
Aug. 14: Return to Driving-Laura Noblitt, Senior Driving and Mobility Services
Sept. 11: Spousal Impoverishment and Elder Law-Dennis Frick, Senior Law Project
For more information or to join the support group mailing list for receive updates, contact Diana Hanson at 317-528-6258 or diana.hanson@ or Amy Horter at 317 528-6038 or amy.horter@franciscanalliance. org.
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