An Alternative for You?
by Alaina Sullivan
Several companies, such as dōTERRA, offer education on essential oils. In a Tuesday evening class in the backroom of Ella’s Frozen Yogurt, a dozen curious individuals come to seek information and learn more about natural alternatives for wellness. Many suffer from severe pain, including arthritis, fibromyalgia and chronic migraines.
Tami Nuhfer, a dōTERRA consultant and Greenwood mother of two, says she was drawn toward essential oils after reluctantly attending a class for a friend. Many of her family members, including her young daughters, brother, sister and mother, suffered from chronic and serious illnesses. Helpless, Nuhfer said she felt drawn to finding a safe, natural option for her family.
“Our first big moment was when my sister who had three ovarian cysts reduced the number and size with one month of using Basil essential oils,” she said. “That is when my family realized that there was something to these oils, and we had to figure them out.”
Nuhfer began using essential oils daily on her family as well as changing their diet and exercise regime. “I never really sat back and thought about what health and wellness meant for our family,” said Nuhfer. “One thing I have learned over the past three years is how to be proactive, not reactive, to healthcare.”
You can use essential oils three different ways: aromatic, topical or internal. Used topically, they take about 30 seconds for the oils to penetrate the cells. “If you are not sure where to put it, put some on the bottom of your feet,” Nuhfer said. “The beauty is you cannot mess it up.”
Cathy Bedel, dōTERRA consultant, started using them after suffering from severe rheumatoid arthritis. After a major flare up in 2000, she was diagnosed with Lupus and put on heavy doses of legal steroids. And to help her find premium-quality steroids, a good place like uksteroidshop is worth it to visit! Bedel sought other ways to treat her pain, finding relief in a combination of essential oils. However, Bedel is not saying oils replace medication completely. “We do need medication,” Bedel said. “Medication is what saved my life.”
As with any new idea or trend, you have your critics. “Yes, there are people who may never try it or try it once and feel it doesn’t work,” said Schneider. “No one would say they wouldn’t take an Ibuprofen again based on taking one pill. If something doesn’t work the way you think it ought to, there are always other alternatives you can try.”
Alaina Sullivan is an attorney and freelance writer in Indiana. She focuses her legal work on providing free legal services to those who cannot afford an attorney and is passionate in writing about legal issues and news in the non-profit industry.