I attended the State of the City address this morning given by Mayor Deborah Cantwell at the Lawrence Chamber of Commerce breakfast. I’m going to upload the audio of her speech which included past homeruns (Staples, Burd Ford, Pendleton Pike re-opening), future homeruns (Commissary, parks, and Home Depot), and current initiatives. Besides all the reasons why the City of Lawrence should sign this deal with Citizens Gas (which are all good reasons by the way), she mentioned an initiative that I’ve heard some grumblings about in the last few weeks: Renaming Pendleton Pike to Lawrence Parkway.
I’ve never seen a road mislabelled, confused, or avoided like Pendleton Pike in all my life. Isn’t it called State Road 67? What about Broadway Avenue? State Road 36? Doesn’t Pendleton Pike go to Pendleton? Can they do that? Can I rename my road to Tom Britt Way?
I guess a road that starts with strip clubs and ends at a prison will always have an identity crisis. Any suggestions from all of you on what we should name this road since it is open for discussion?