HSE High School’s agriculture teacher Tom Younts was selected for district Teacher of the Year. Younts has taught agriculture to high school students and sponsored FFA in the district for over 30 years. A colleague said it well, “He has travelled all over the world with students who wouldn’t otherwise have these opportunities to be recognized for their achievements. He works with them nights, weekends, breaks and holidays from school. He exposes them to a world in which they can find a place to achieve and belong. He helps them find opportunities beyond high school . . . and takes a very personal interest in them and their families.”
A Teacher of the Year was recognized from each school and made up the pool of nominees for the district honor. They include Kim Day, Brooks School Elementary; Meghan Hill, Cumberland Road Elementary; Mary Beth Riley, Durbin Elementary; Brandy Farrell, Fall Creek Elementary; Melissa Bock, Fishers Elementary; Maureen McGrath, Geist Elementary; Toni Van Horn, Harrison Parkway Elementary; Laura Murray, Hoosier Road Elementary; Jane Eaton, Lantern Road Elementary; Vicki McIntire, New Britton Elementary; Charly Tunison, Sand Creek Elementary; Courtney Gibson, Thorpe Creek Elementary; Dale Fishel, Fall Creek Intermediate; Missy Quinn, Riverside Intermediate; Midolla Wease, Sand Creek Intermediate; Amanda Cornet, Fishers Junior High; Karen Boyd, HSE Junior High; Katie Pentecost, Riverside Junior High; Matt Rund, Fishers High School and Tom Younts, HSE High School.
Certified employee retirees honored include Susie Cantlon, Durbin Elementary; Roni Green, Fall Creek Elementary, Beth Jerman, Fall Creek Elementary; Joyce Ostendorf, Fall Creek Elementary; Susie Stanfield, Fishers Elementary; Kathy Lindsey, Harrison Parkway Elementary; Debra Black, Harrison Parkway Elementary; Suzanne Voelz, Lantern Road Elementary; Vicki McIntire, New Britton Elementary; Donna Marks, Sand Creek Intermediate; Midolla Wease, Sand Creek Intermediate; Dale Fishel, Fall Creek Intermediate; Barbara Anderson, HSE Junior High, Judy Gernand, Fishers High School; Camilla Britt, Brooks School Elementary –Early Childhood Director; and Patty Mansfield, Fishers Elementary principal.
Recognized for 30 years of service was Bob Stinson, HSE High School. Marking 20 years of service were Julia Sewell, Cumberland Road Elementary; Jamie Spears, Fall Creek Elementary; Teresa Miller, Fishers Elementary; Susie Stanfield, Fishers Elementary; Rod Sutherlin, Geist Elementary; Jane Eaton, Lantern Road Elementary; Debbie Habeney, Lantern Road Elementary; Kathy Foster, New Britton Elementary; Audrey Gundersen, New Britton Elementary; Kris Perillo, New Britton Elementary; Laura LaCross, Riverside Intermediate; Donna Marks, Sand Creek Intermediate; Steve Baney, Fishers Junior High; Mary Carson, Riverside Junior High; Rhonda Craver, Fishers High School; Sharon Gates, HSE High School; and Marianna Richards, Administration Center.