Voting closed at midnight April 10. The winner will be on the cover of the May 2015 issue of Center Grove Community Newsletter.
Cindy Crafton
Nominated by Michael Crafton
As a Mother of 4 as well as a Grandmother of 4, my wife Cindy is a pillar. A flight attendant for 40 years she has worked relentlessly so her family could have a better life. A member of PSI IOTA XI where volunteer work is constant she also helps at the CYO, The Symphony Orchestra, The 500 Parade as well as The Greenwood Meadows Rehabilitation Center. A 30+ year Center Grove resident many hours have been spent behind the scenes at sporting functions, dance programs, plays and fundraisers. She is truly a ray of light and breath of fresh air.
Melissa Dyer
Nominated by Tony Dyer
Alongside of being a loving mother, Melissa defied the odds against life threating ailments. Having a strong will in life has allowed my mother, Melissa, to overcome her complex illnesses. Melissa’s unwavering gratitude and personality creates an infectious environment that allows her to share her love and care with others. Melissa serves as a positive role model to my younger sister, Gracie and all of our friends. She goes above and beyond to help not only her own family, but also those in our community. She is always the mother that can be found volunteering to help make a positive impact on our community!
Jennifer Parker
Nominated by Beth Arkanoff
I am nominating Jennifer Parker for the Center Grove, 2015 mom of the year. Jennifer and her husband Andy are raising a blended family of five uniquely individual children, Andrew, Katie, Alex, Max and Hope.
The Parker’s have two children with special needs. Their handsome son Alex, a senior at Center Grove High School has autism, and their beautiful daughter Hope, who is 8 years old, was born with a congenital heart defect that has required numerous surgeries and ongoing treatment. Hope has faced many life-threatening experiences, one of which was a stroke that took her ability to speak.
While the love and support that she has given Hope and Alex alone, would qualify her for mom of the year, Jennifer loves each child fervently and has the ability to understand and provide for their individual needs. She’s never afraid to make the hard decisions for her children, even when they are not the popular ones.
Jennifer accepts each of life’s challenges with a smile and has the ability to see the good in every situation. She never stresses over the small things or feels pressure to be the “perfect family”. She embraces her “messy life” with a deep faith in God and she pulls it off with an endearing grace and an occasional little cheesy Cheetos handprint on her clothes.
Cheryl Robison
Nominated by Abby McGill
My mom, Cheryl Robison, works full time as a nurse at St. Francis, changing her patients’ lives every day. She helps take care of my Granddad whose wife of 66 years passed away last June, by taking him groceries and cleaning his house weekly. My mom then cooks, cleans and loves the house where she raised her own four children. Then this past year she and my dad, Jim, signed guardianship and opened their home to two boys with Autism (their mother died of cancer). In September, she took 2 weeks off work to be with my older brother in Phoenix, Arizona, after he had a major heart surgery. She played a major role in planning my wedding this past summer at the family farm. She works as a volunteer for my younger brother’s show choir at Center Grove. She is constantly serving and loving others, living out her Faith in everything she does, definitely a “Mom of the Year.”
Terri Thorpe
Nominated by Valerie Haywood
As a mother of 5, she rarely gets a break. All of her children are grown. However, she is very involved in her grandchildren’s lives. She has made sure she was available to help watch her grandchildren so her children could put themselves through college and purse a higher education. My mother sacrifices sleep often to make time for all of her children and grandkids. She never misses a grandparent’s lunch, basketball game, performance, surgery or the birth of each grandchild. My mother lost her husband a few years ago. She always has a smile on her face even when she is hurting inside. She ALWAYS thinks of others. Anyone who knows my mother can attest to her generosity that reaches even beyond her family. She is always putting everyone before herself. Almost every week is full of activities planned with the grandkids and her children. My mother tops all others because she is the most selfless person I have met.
Comments 6
I have known Terri Thorpe for over 35 years. She is selfless in her daily life. She does put others before herself. She has a generous spirit. She is funny. She always has a kind words and beautiful smile to share.
What a wonderful person terri is,she is so devoted and caring to her family and friends. She deserves this award
The mst loving and caring person i have ever known
A beautiful and loving lady
i can’t think of anyone more deserving than Terri Thorpe
Awesome woman and very dedicated