New Executive Director Brings a Bright Vision for Boone County Tourism
As the new Executive Director of the Boone County Convention & Visitors Bureau (CVB), Allyson Gutwein has already crisscrossed the county and central Indiana building relations with town governments, local event organizations and tourism-based groups to assess the current state of tourism in Boone County.
A Boone County native whose family goes back six generations, Allyson previously served as Executive Director of the Zionsville Chamber of Commerce. Now her knowledge and guidance will lead the CVB’s growth and adaptation as it serves theBoone County community. Working with the Boone CVB board, she is charged with allocating innkeeper’s taxes which fund theCVB to increase tourism as well as building the Boone CVB presence throughout the county.
“The role of the Boone CVB is to help develop and support county events and festivals as well as create our own sponsored events that will attract visitors outside of our county to come and enjoy all that BooneCounty has to discover,” said Allyson, “We have great experiences to offer visitors.There’s literally something for everyone.Which is why our new marketing campaign is called, ‘Bit of Boone’ as in – There’s a Bit of Boone in All of Us.”
Plans are already underway for a county-wide “Get Mooned in Boone” promotion centered around the total solar eclipse happening on April 8, 2024 – when BooneCounty will experience close to four minutes of the “Path of Totality” when the moon completely blocks out the bright sun.
“This is the first time in 819 years our area has seen a full solar eclipse and the IndianaDestination Development Corp. predicts that this will be one of the largest single tourism events in Indiana history.” saidAllyson, “Previous total solar eclipse events have had incredible economic impact for the states that experienced totality.”
“With people traveling here from all over the globe to witness the eclipse, this is a chance to show off our communities to anentirely new group of visitors,” continued Gutwein, “The Boone CVB is planning to celebrate this once-in-a-lifetime event through Get Mooned in Boone promotions in all our communities that will make BooneCounty the place to be for the eclipse celebration.”
Growing Boone County tourism will also come through high value marketing and targeted ads that increase the presence and visibility of travel and tourism in Boone County. Along with highlighting all-year tourist attractions, other Boone CVB sponsored projects being planned include promotions centered around weddings, sporting events and venues, nature/ hiking/trail usage, staycations, themed trails, and coming home to visit family in BooneCounty. The marketing agency from Origin Outside will also help us create an innovative strategy and diverse solution that can make a successful campaign.
Given her experience and passion, there’s no limit to Allyson’s vision for Boone County tourism. “Maybe it’s a bluegrass & ribs event, a headliner music concert or a big-time rodeo, the possibilities are truly endless for Boone County tourism.” says Gutwein, “There’s going to be a Little Bit of Boone for everyone.
To learn more about Boone County Tourism, visit or follow on facebook