For Melissa and Devin Edwards, the journey to create The Love Worthy Foundation began with an unexpected and life-changing moment. Melissa recalls the day she first came across Reece’s Rainbow, an organization advocating for the international adoption of children with special needs. “I was scrolling online and stumbled upon their page,” she says. “I saw photos of these beautiful children, read their stories and cried as I learned about their situations. These were children living in orphanages, many confined to cribs, overlooked simply because of their disabilities. My heart broke and I couldn’t ignore it.”
For days, Melissa wrestled with what she had seen, knowing it would require a complete transformation of her life to make a difference. She shared what she had learned with Devin, who at first felt hesitant but eventually trusted her conviction. Together they took a leap of hope and love. Guided by faith, they began the process of adopting with determination to provide a special-needs child from another country with the essentials they believe every child deserves – love, family and a home.
The profound impact of their adoption experience inspired Melissa and Devin to help others take the same courageous step. With unwavering faith in their heartfelt mission, they established Love Worthy. Today the foundation serves as an active and meaningful resource of support for families who share their compassionate desire to offer orphaned, special-needs children from around the world a home to call their own. To date, The Love Worthy Foundation has awarded 12 adoption grants, each representing a life forever changed by the gift of family.
In January 2022, Melissa and Devin adopted Givens, a little boy born with spina bifida and hydrocephalus, from Bulgaria. Like most orphans in Eastern Europe, Givens had spent his early years confined to a crib in an underfunded orphanage. He was malnourished, his medical needs were neglected and he had missed key developmental milestones.
“When we brought him home, the next six months were a whirlwind of medical chaos,” Melissa recalls. “We addressed his most severe medical needs, but the trauma and effects of neglect are challenges we’ll continue to face for years.”
Despite his early struggles, Givens has become a source of joy and inspiration for everyone around him. “Disability is full of joy, hope and potential,” Melissa says. “At 7 years old Givens has overcome more than many of us will in a lifetime. He is a son, a brother and a light in our family.”
Givens’ older brother, a high school senior, adores him and has taken on a protective role.
“Watching them together is heartwarming,” Melissa shares. “He takes time to make Givens laugh and feel included.” Givens also shares a special bond with his sister.
“They laugh, play and support each other in ways that melt our hearts,” Melissa says.
Before their adoption journey, the Edwards family advocated for a girl they called Bethany, a child with special needs living in an orphanage. Melissa and her family organized fundraisers and shared Bethany’s story on social media, hoping to help her find a family.
“I’ll never forget the day we got a message from a family who was considering adopting Bethany as part of their current adoption,” Melissa recalls. “We had spent so much time fighting for her to be seen. When they committed to her, it was an overwhelming moment of joy.”
Melissa and Devin were later able to visit this family after they brought Bethany and another child home from Ukraine.
After their adoption of Givens, Melissa and Devin knew they wanted to do more. In May 2022 they established Love Worthy LLC, a charitable business that provides grants to families adopting children with disabilities internationally. They began funding these grants through donations, fundraisers and their own personal contributions.
“We wanted to help families who said yes to the call of special-needs international adoption,” Melissa says. “We believe that no one can do everything, but everyone can do something. And there is nothing more worthy than helping to bring these children out of orphan care.”
Over time, as interest and support grew, Love Worthy transitioned into a nonprofit foundation with a functioning board. Now operating as a 501(c)(3), The Love Worthy Foundation continues to provide financial assistance to families adopting children with special needs.
Devin often reflects on their adoption journey and offers advice to families considering it. “Planning is everything,” he says. “We had to make sure we had enough bedrooms, medical resources and financial stability to handle the unexpected. It took months of preparation but it was worth it. Don’t let fear hold you back. If you plan and trust the process, you’ll find the strength to move forward.”
He also stresses the importance of open communication between spouses. “Be honest with your partner about your fears, and don’t be afraid to lean on each other,” Devin advises. “You don’t have to know everything going in. Just take it one step at a time.”
On December 3 The Love Worthy Foundation participated in Giving Tuesday, a global day of generosity. Melissa and Devin invited supporters to donate the equivalent of about a month’s worth of coffee – just $40. “Imagine the difference $40 could make to a family trying to adopt,” Melissa says.
Thanks to the generosity of donors, the foundation added to their growing list of grants that have helped families bring children home.
The foundation also participates in the Reece’s Rainbow Miracle of Adoption Christmas Campaign (MACC), an annual effort to raise adoption grants for waiting children. This year the MACC has already helped five children find families. During the campaign, Love Worthy raised funds for Anne, a young girl waiting for a family. Donors who contributed $20 received a Christmas ornament as a thank-you, helping to make adoption possible for children like Anne.
The foundation relies on fundraising events to support its grants. Some of their most popular events include:
• Fishing Derbies: Held annually in September, bringing communities together for a cause.
• Virtual Races (Miles That Matter): Participants log 60 miles and receive a T-shirt for their efforts.
• Mommy and Me High Tea Banquet: Scheduled for February 22, 2025, in Plymouth, featuring silent auctions, guest speakers and children’s activities.
Melissa hopes to inspire others to act. “Not everyone can adopt, but everyone can do something,” she says. Donations, volunteering or simply sharing their message can make a difference.
Through the foundation, Melissa and Devin have learned that small contributions can create big changes. Volunteers play a vital role, helping with events, bake sales and spreading awareness.
Love Worthy also encourages spiritual support. On Orphan Sunday, the foundation invited others to join them in prayer for vulnerable children.
Melissa and Devin know the work is far from done. Thousands of children remain in orphanages, waiting for families to see their worth. But they believe in the power of kindness to create change.