Local Fitness Center Offers Unique Amazing 12 Program
Photographer / Amy Garro
Bruce Salazar has a passion for how fitness can improve the quality of people’s lives. He originally planned to enter full-time ministry, but he also felt called to minister to people by improving their health and fitness. Through the programs offered at his facility, Victory Strength and Fitness, located at 3115 Meridian Parke Drive, individuals achieve amazing results. Through his own experience, Salazar knows the importance of a quality fitness program.
“I had a skateboarding accident and blew my knee out,” Salazar says. “Since I was inactive because of the injury, I gained weight. I needed to find out how to lose the weight and rehabilitate my knee. I consulted a friend who was a physical therapist and, from then on, I became a student of health and fitness. Over the years I’ve been blessed to meet and learn from world-renown fitness coaches.”
Salazar lived in Louisville, Kentucky while he earned a bachelor’s degree in theological studies from Boyce College in 2009. After realizing he wanted to pursue a career in fitness, he became a certified personal trainer with an emphasis in nutrition and movement from the American College of Sports Medicine. He worked as Director of Personal Training of the Louisville Athletic Club before moving to Greenwood in 2012.
Bruce moved his wife and son to Greenwood after his parents migrated from Florida to Greenwood, and this is when Victory Strength and Fitness began.
“I first started Victory Strength and Fitness as a personal trainer and independent contractor at the Gathering Place at Community Church of Greenwood. From there I worked at other facilities while continuing to grow my business. Today, there are two other coaches besides me. They are world-class with advanced degrees and we are in a space big enough to accommodate us.”
Victory Strength and Fitness offers two specialized programs that include nutrition training. Private coaching is also available. Amazing 12, a world-renown international program, is a five day a week course and is not available anywhere else in Indiana. Victory Transformation meets three times a week. A free initial consultation determines the best pathway for each individual.
“Anyone can start with either one,” Salazar says. “The astonishing results are mind-blowing. It’s due to the proven science behind the program. The heart of it is strength training. Having more strength is beneficial for anyone, from teens to people in their 70s.
“Our coaches make it safe and effective for every level of fitness. Whether the person is a beginner or an elite athlete, they will come out better than they were. We meet people where they are at. We can make adjustments and never ask an individual to do something that we are not 100% confident that they can do.”
The clientele at Victory Strength and Fitness is varied. Some individuals are connected to the military or are in the medical field. However, many people are ordinary moms, dads, wives and husbands who want to improve their level of fitness to ensure that they will be around in the future for their loved ones.
“When you show people you care about their health and fitness you can help them on a deeper level as well,” says Salazar as he speaks about his fitness “ministry.”
“People have all kinds of challenges that are connected to health,” he says. “That leads to other obstacles such as mental and emotional problems. Besides lowering blood pressure and cholesterol, getting fit and feeling better on the inside makes people happier and confident. People are less anxious and discover inner strength.”
Call 317-721-2821 to set up a free consultation.
Victory Strength and Fitness is located at 3115 Meridian Parke Drive, Suite O in Greenwood. You can visit them online at victorystrengthandfitness.com for more information.