Each year, the Hamilton Southeastern football team dons pink knee-high socks at the annual Royals For the Cure Pink Night, a game benefiting Susan G. Komen and the fight against cancer. This year, that night will fall on September 4 at a home game against Avon.
“Everybody is touched by it and some way and everyone really embraces this game. Even the referees wear pink socks,” said Lisa Heiden Peters, organizer of the event. “Each year, it has gotten bigger and bigger; this year, it is going to explode.”
A honorary breast cancer survivor is recognized every year, performing the coin toss and sitting on the bench. Tom Reece, who passed away from cancer at the end of May, will be honored this year with a speech and plaque that will be presented to his wife and son.
All proceeds from the event will go toward Komen. In the new Royal Tailgate Town, volunteers will be selling bandanas, bracelets, beads and tattoos. Brand new decorations will fill the stadium. The game is supported by the football team, coaches, cheerleaders, band, color guard and the community.
“We can always use volunteers,” said Peters. “We have a group of moms who are very passionate and are doing a lot of work to help out. Donations will also be collected during halftime that will go to Komen.”
For more information, visit www.facebook.com/royalsforthecure.