Paid for by Cori and Amie Drudge

Cori and Amie Drudge of Ruoff Mortgage have lived in the Fishers/Geist area their entire adult lives and have raised their six children here. Many of you know them, but for those of you who don’t, here are a few highlights.

Cori and Amie are married with three boys and three girls. Amie’s father calls them the Bratty Bunch. They have a Roomba named Alice. They have three dogs and a cat that they adopted from a local shelter. Not only do they live local, but they also shop and eat local, and ride their electric bikes around town.

You might see Amie filling up the Little Free Library in her yard or the one in Fishers Town Center. Cori loves to do yard work, and his idea of landscaping is burning down the tall grass in his River Ridge home with his flamethrower. You might have seen the flames.

They have a huge respect for the local police department that keeps our community safe. In 2014 they put the department to good use, when the bomb squad visited their home after their boys replicated a YouTube video and built fizzy bombs in the back yard.

They enjoy being empty nesters, but do miss all of the action that surrounded having six kids in the house in their Fishers community. Carmel might have made a recent national list of best places to live, but Cori and Amie put Fishers/Geist right up there in the number-one spot. They love this community and want to know you.

Give them a ring for all of your mortgage needs, or if you need any advice raising teenagers, dogs or cats. They are local lenders, lending a hand, and they can get you to the closing table with ease – and a little bit of fun. You can find them at the Fishers Ruoff branch located at 116th Street and Cumberland Road.

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