Indy Star article January 4, 2008
According to the article Fishers is now up to 66,000 people and I now know one of the primary reason behind the annexation of Geist – no its not the $3 million dollars a year in profit from property taxes, and the 1.5 million dollars in increased revenue from the state, no its not because “the Geisters are using all those free things from Fishers,” no its not because Geist is a nice place, no its not because Fishers could then add more strip malls along Olio road.
The real reason is with the 5,000 people from Geist Fishers would be larger than Carmel.
The new population numbers would be:
Fishers 71,000
Carmel 68,653
Another funny line from the article:
(Scott) “Faultless said Fishers still maintains its small-town flavor.”
I think what Mr. Morton Marcus, director emeritus of the Indiana Business Research Council said makes more sense:
“The bigger a town gets, the less inclined people may be to move in – and town services will be tested in the future.”
The citizens of Geist want to maintain its small town flavor and not become part of a town bigger than Carmel.
Comments 2
I like the fact that the very first thing that Scott Faultless points out in this artilce that's good about the Fishers area is the schools, which he and the town has nothing to do with. I live in the Geist area, not Fishers, and moved here mainly for the HSE schools too. That's the main attraction to this area. Why did he not point out something about the town of Fishers as his first "quality of life" issue?
Here's his quote: "Those quality of life issues that attracted us here on the council to this town in the first place still exist," Faultless said. "Good schools,…"
I have to admit Scott is right we do have very good schools in this area, but at the same time, what Fishers is doing will pull the schools down. The rapid expansion puts a massive strain on the HSE system, some children are already in trailers, if Fishers keeps this up, more children will be in trailers and the taxes will have to be increase even more as the schools build more buildings that will not be needed in 10-15 years and then an even bigger burden will be placed on the community.