Fishers Kicking off Disability Awareness Month With Series of Events
Writer / Renee Larr
Photographer / Walker Photography
The Fishers Advisory Committee on Disability (FACD) is celebrating National Disability Awareness Month beginning March 1. This year’s theme, “Building Our Future Together,” focuses on inclusion and acceptance for all Fishers and Hamilton County residents.
The celebration begins with 2023 Disability Awareness Month Kickoff & Awards: Building Our Future Together, on March 1 at Launch Fishers Huston Theater. Kelly Hartman, FACD co-chair, is the keynote speaker. Hartman is a Fishers resident, president and chief executive officer of Insights Consulting, Inc., and co-founder and board member of Outside the Box.
“I’ll be speaking about the history of the disability inclusion movement nationally and locally,” Hartman says. “I’ll also discuss what we need to do from a national perspective, and then dial down to Fishers and what we can do here to change the future for people in our community. We will also be giving out awards to those in our community who have done outstanding work in the area of disabilities.”
OneZone is hosting the March Disability Awareness Breakfast: Finding Your Next Great Hire, at Hotel Carmichael in Carmel on March 2. Hartman will serve as emcee for the event, hosting a panel of community members discussing disability myths, available resources for businesses, how to create an inclusive work environment, and hiring employees with disabilities.
“It’s an opportunity for us to recognize people with amazing skills in our community looking for jobs who are sometimes overlooked because they have intellectual, developmental or physical disabilities,” Hartman says. “There is a perception employers see hiring somebody with a disability as a charity case. We want to show that hiring people with disabilities does many great things for your work culture. Businesses should hire these people because they’re amazing employees and can be an amazing part of your team.”
The Fishers Arts Council is hosting the Second Friday Gallery Reception on March 10 at the Collaboration Hub at the Hamilton County Community Foundation. Local comic book creator Jason Funk will be on hand to share his work.
“Jason is a local high school student on the autism spectrum,” says Cecilia Coble, FACD co-chair and Fishers city councilor at-large. “He has found his talent and has been going to different schools inspiring students to follow their dreams.”
Hartman says many people think Disability Awareness Month is only for people with disabilities, but really it’s for everyone in the community. She says these events bring awareness to issues residents might not know or understand.
“Fishers is a very forward-thinking community,” Hartman says. “If you don’t know someone affected by a disability, you may not feel these events are for you. These events are a great way to empower those with disabilities and encourage others to become allies for those with disabilities.”
Allies can pick up an ally toolkit at the kickoff event March 1, or at Fishers City Services beginning March 2. The kit includes a T-shirt, yard sign, stickers, and other items to highlight, educate and further the discussion on disability awareness.
For a complete list of events and more information, visit