Writer / Kara Reibel
Even the barista at Launch Fishers is an entrepreneur! Bette Wechsler, mom of founder John Wechsler, has her own startup business. All About Dogs Fishers is Bette’s brainchild based on her love of dogs.
“At my age, I just want to have fun,” shares Bette. “Aside from the fun I have being a barista, I love dogs, so being a dog sitter is a natural fit for me.”
Like most dog owners, Bette found the kennels expensive when she needed to travel and would have loved having someone like her as an option for pet sitting. As part of her services, she will take care of your dog at your home or hers, promising lots of love and play time.
“I want the dogs to be happy and be in the best care possible,” says Bette. “It’s also important to follow a similar routine for the dog, and I am all about loving them.”
Please visit AllAboutDogsFishers.com for more information on Bette’s dog services.