Being properly protected is a vital concern for nearly everyone in these difficult times. Because of this, it is important that you find and Insurance Advisor that has your best interest at heart. Having the RIGHT coverages on your auto and homeowner’s insurance policy can save you big time in the event of a loss. Luckily, you have come to the right spot. At Ashlin Hadden Insurance, we strive to be your Insurance Advisor and find you the right coverage at the right price.

In the past, you were pretty much stuck accepting whatever type of insurance your agent could find for you. Then, around ten years ago, nearly every insurance company started offering their product online. Soon after, people started feeling as though they were insurance experts and handled their policies themselves at sites like This wasn’t a bad thing-in many cases. However, there are downfalls to working directly with the insurance companies.

In many cases, insurance customers do not understand what type of coverage they need. They take the lowest possible rate, without looking into the repercussions that could be caused. This is fine and good—until the time comes that they need to get something back from the insurance company.

Because of this, working with an independent agency is actually still a superior way to obtain insurance. The agent can help you get the coverage you need at a price you can afford. Additionally, our agency now offers features that make it even easier.

Don’t compare insurance policies by visiting each site yourself, just visit a site like This saves you time and money.

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