Striving to combat hunger in Lawrence Township, Lawrence Township Trustee Russell Brown announced today a new food pantry and community partnership to serve families across Northeast Marion County. Constructed by the Lawrence Township Trustee’s Office, The Cupboard of Lawrence Township, located at 7107 Pendleton Pike, will assist Lawrence Township families in need of food assistance, provide healthier food options for clients, and relieve the strain experienced by food pantries throughout Central Indiana. “My office has seen requests for food assistance drop while food pantries were seeing their numbers grow,” said Brown. “This increased demand put strains on these organizations as demand for food continues growing. So we set out to find another way to help Lawrence Township families who are struggling with hunger. The Cupboard of Lawrence Township is the result.”
The day-to-day operation of The Cupboard of Lawrence Township is the responsibility of the Lawrence Township Hunger Coalition, Inc., a community 501(c)(3) organization currently being created. Through partnerships with Gleaners Food Bank of Indiana, Midwest Food Bank, local churches and businesses, The Cupboard will be open 12 hours a week and expects to serve 250-300 households per week. A part-time pantry coordinator has been hired who has begun recruiting the volunteers necessary for the pantry to be successful. Individuals interested in volunteering should visit and fill out an online form. “By creating an organization that is representative of Lawrence Township and focused on the community, we can have a larger impact,” said Merlin Gonzales, president of the Lawrence Township Hunger Coalition, Inc. “My goal since I came into office was to make the social services network in Lawrence Township stronger,” Brown added. “I believe The Cupboard and the Lawrence Township Hunger Coalition, Inc. will be important components of that network for years to come.”
For more information about The Cupboard of Lawrence Township visit the Cupboard’s website at For more information about the Office of the Lawrence Township Trustee visit the Trustee’s website at
[source: Lawrence Twp. Trustee Office]