A vital part of Lebanon and the surrounding county, Senior Citizens Inc. (SCI) is hardly difficult to find. Sitting right on State Road 39, the little building has housed SCI since 1964. From the very beginning, it’s been by the people, for the people.
Becky Ottinger, vice president, has a deep, familial connection to the SCI community. Her 92-year-old mother, who never misses a game night, relied heavily on SCI during her husband’s illness, and after he passed away, found community and peace there.
“When someone needs something, we try to step in,” Ottinger says. “We pray for each other’s families, and I think we really truly show compassion. I think we’re like a big family and if someone’s not here and we expect them to be here, we’re usually asking or calling, finding out where they’re at.”
Membership age begins at 50 and has no cap. SCI’s main activities are hosting bingo and euchre games. Bingo is played Mondays and Fridays, while euchre is played Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Each week members carpool, check in on people who have since moved into nursing homes, and do what they can to help around the center.
“Grants and rental of the building, and our bingo and our euchre, is about what keeps us going,” Ottinger says.
The SCI building is available for rent at $125 per day. SCI does not charge rent for those needing a place for funeral dinners.
As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, SCI is without any government funding, relying entirely on donations and grants. Ottinger is responsible for all the grant writing, which often entails a long and involved process. One instrumental grant, given by Women of Impact, which Ottinger is a part of, funded the center’s handicap-accessible door. SCI was without such a door for 58 years.
“I was so excited when we got that grant,” says Ottinger. “I had to go and give a speech to get that grant and I was nervous as all get-out. Even though people get old, they still want to be independent and they want to show that independence.”
Grants have allowed SCI to redo half of its parking lot, get electronic bingo display boards, and have entertainment programs and dinners throughout the year.
Ottinger is searching for grants to get a new message board for the front of the SCI property, as the current board is in disrepair. She is considering using the board for local ads to help fund the center.
The heart of SCI has always been its people. It exists to meet the needs of its members, regardless of how much money is raised.
Ottinger hopes new, younger members will join in the coming year, but membership isn’t the only way to be involved. Children from the Indiana United Methodist’s Children’s Home come on special pizza-party bingo nights to help call bingo and talk with members.
Students are encouraged to volunteer. Ottinger encourages anyone who’s in a band or plays an instrument to come and play music for the members, at their Christmas party or any other event. Anyone is welcome to volunteer cleaning or repair services.
Checks can be made out to Senior Citizens Inc. Lebanon. All donations are tax deductible.
SCI is not affiliated with Boone County Senior Services, which is a separate entity.
Senior Citizens Inc. is located at 707 South Lebanon Street in Lebanon. You can call them at 765-481-2544 or send them an email at senior625@gmail.com.