Writer / Matt Keating
Photography Provided
Cannon Brugman, a fifth grader at Hinkle Creek Elementary, was recognized as the November Student of the Month for his recent acceptance into the Future Galileos program.
The program was created by The Cincinnati Observatory Center.
Brugman says he enjoys being involved in the wonderful education program.
“Future Galileos is all about encouraging people to view our ‘outer worlds,’ and to spread the passion for astronomy,” Brugman says. “Each year, the Cincinnati Observatory awards 20 telescopes, and training for 20 individuals or teams, to become astronomy ambassadors and further astronomy education in the Cincinnati tri-state area, including Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana.”
Brugman has a passion for astronomy.
“I started out reading about astrophysics, and noticed we could view some pretty cool stuff right from our house – like eclipses, moon phases, and stars,” he says. “I got connected with the Cincinnati Observatory during COVID, when most other after-school activities were unavailable.”
Brugman noted that their head astronomer, Dean Regas, hosts several astronomy classes via Zoom.
“I really liked his teaching style and wanted to share more (about it) with my friends and classmates,” he says. “I continued reading about astronomy and started a Zoom space club with my classmates. As we were looking for more classes with the Cincinnati Observatory, we came across their Future Galileos program and figured I could give it a try. I thought the chance was low that I would be accepted. I am proud to be the youngest Future Galileos to date.”
Brugman has also been interested in other science studies at school. It’s a subject he thoroughly enjoys.
“Science is in my top three (favorite subjects) for sure, but math is really my favorite,” he says. “I like the engaging learning opportunities and hands-on activities that come with science. I always like to learn more.”
Brugman has already been thinking about what he would like to major in when he goes to college.
“I’ve been thinking about astrophysics and astronomy,” he says.
Brugman is also involved in extracurricular activities at school.
“I am participating in the fifth grade Robotics Team this year,” Brugman says. “I like robotics because it gets my brain working in different ways to achieve a goal.”
Brugman noted that he loves living in Noblesville.
“I think Noblesville has really good schools,” he says. “It feels like a very connected community. I like the parks and water recreation areas we have here.”