Cindy Grove, owner of Eleanor Rozella’s gift shop in Noblesville, refers to herself as the “third sister” to her two employees, sisters Tammy Daubenspeck and Tina Dell. Their camaraderie sets the tone for the fun-loving experience that is Eleanor Rozella’s and carries over to the customers. “You’re not a stranger when you walk in here,” said Cindy. “Tammy and Tina are so much fun; they’re so loving to our customers. It’s like girlfriends. Our customers end up being our friends.”
Just strolling through this gift shop puts a smile on your face because of the cacophony of colors, scents and laughter that greets you. If you’re looking for a unique gift for a favorite person, you’ll find it within Eleanor Rozella’s three floors.
Cindy didn’t have to look far to find the inspiration for the store’s name. On her piano rests a vintage photo of her grandma taken when she was in her 20s. “She was very artsy,” said Cindy. “She loved to knit and make jewelry. I loved her to pieces, and her name just had a ring to it.” So her grandma’s name—Eleanor Rozella—became the name of the shop that resides at 982 Logan Street. The current location of the shop was, as Cindy is fond of saying, “born of divine intervention.”
Eleanor Rozella’s original location was at the Deer Creek Shops, the present location of the IU Health Saxony Hospital. One day Tammy came in to explore the shop and the two struck up a friendship. As a former part owner of Corner Cottage in Noblesville, Tammy mentioned how much she missed the retail business. Cindy promptly hired her to run the store, a relief for Cindy who often travels for her other job as a flight attendant

Not long after that, the two were informed they would have to find a new business location as their strip mall was being torn down. Through a timely tip, Cindy learned that Alley Cats in downtown Noblesville was up for sale. Attached to Eddie’s Corner Cafe, the building was 3-1/2 floors of prime location. Cindy was certain the rent would be too high.
It turns out, the worry was for nought. “It was divine intervention. I just turned it over to the Big Guy and said ‘Okay, You’ve got to show me where to go …. The way everything worked out, it’s just like we were meant to be here,” Cindy said. Eleanor Rozella’s opened August 25, 2006 in downtown Noblesville. “We looked at each other and said ‘Here we go!” laughed Tammy. Not too long after that in April 2007, Tina joined the dynamic duo. Cindy also receives support from her parents and sister Norm, Judy and Julie Wilson.
Cindy bought the inventory of Alley Cats, but slowly over time, they put their own stamp on the product line. “We wanted more of an upscale, girly-girl boutique,” said Tammy. “Noblesville had so many shops that had the country, primitive-type home decor. We were taking things in a different direction. People were really excited about it, and we heard all positive about it.”
Today the shop is known for its eclectic, fun mix of items. They carry lines they themselves love and use, and they try to keep up with the trends too. Nestled among the other displays, you’ll find Cindy’s own exclusive line of animated butterflies called Innovative Animation. Cindy also has a penchant for carrying (whenever possible) product lines that encourage “aid through trade,” product lines from Indiana business owners (she loves supporting new Indiana businesses), and made-in-the-USA products. Here’s a few of their product lines.
Photo Letters, Language Arts, Toms Shoes (they were the first shop in Indiana to carry his line), Demdaco, Nora Fleming, Magnabilities, Switch Flops, Lenny & Eva, Moving Butterflies, Alexis Angels, Holly Yashi, Mogo Designs, Sseko Sandals
They also carry horseshoe and collegiate bling for women, as well as lots of baby gift items and unique home decor items.
Overall, Eleanor Rozella’s is the place to be when you need to hear a friendly word or to find that perfect gift. Repeat customers are known to wander in just to feel better on a bad day. Cindy tells a story from one of her customers who fondly refers to Eleanor Rozella’s as her “happy place.” The customer told Cindy, “One day there was a lady in your store who was not being very nice, and I had to tell her, ‘Listen, this is my happy place. If you’re having an issue, I think you need to go somewhere else, because you’re not going to ruin my happy place!’”
Eleanor Rozella’s
982 Logan Street
Noblesville, IN 46060-2225
Store Hours
M-T-W-SAT 10-6
TH-F 10-8
SUN 12-5