Many people’s work life is spent on a single road that ends in retirement. But not Chaz Smith. He’s traveled several career roads, and he shows no signs of stopping.
“The good Lord willing, I’ll be turning 70 this year,” Smith says. The biggest complaint he hears from fellow retired baby boomers is boredom.
When he turned 60, Smith made an early semi-retirement decision. After a career in sales, he wanted to try a different career path to stay active and relevant.
So, for five years, he worked mornings at the Muncie Mission. Then, Teresa, his wife, saw a posting for a courier position at a local pharmacy. In the afternoons, Smith began delivering medications for Genoa Healthcare throughout East Central Indiana.
“I love the work I do for two main reasons. First, I feel I’m genuinely making a difference for those I serve. The second reason is much more personal,” Smith says. “My mother experienced a breakdown after my older brother died shortly after birth. She received the care she needed, moved forward, and lived a productive life. l also lost a brother to suicide who did not receive the proper medication and treatment for his condition.”
Smith is quick to incorporate a message of serving those with mental illness into his profession as a courier for Genoa Healthcare.
“There are 44 million people in America who suffer with mental illness. Anxiety and depression have taken a toll on many,” Smith says.
His superiors and co-workers noticed Smith’s hard work, dedication, and positive attitude. After his first year of service, Smith was given the G.E.M. award as the national driver of the year. The award included an all-expense paid trip to Barcelona, Spain.
As he completes his 10th year of service, Smith has already set his sights on the next adventure.
“I read a book by Dale Carnegie titled Five Minute Biographies that was written in 1937. The book motivated me to write stories of modern-day heroes, in two-minute reads,” Smith says. “A good friend, Bruce Munson, hosts a radio program on Monday mornings on Anderson’s WHBU radio (1240 AM/101.1 FM). I was invited to share those stories, followed by a complimentary song.” The segment typically airs on Mondays at 8:20 am on WHBU radio.
“We trimmed them a bit and refer to them as ‘90 Second Stories.’ They’re all inspirational!” Smith says.
Smith’s goal is to travel a career road of a relevant life with continuing purpose. He quotes the lyrics from “Don’t Let the Old Man In,” a song by the late Toby Keith.
Many moons I have lived
My body’s weathered and worn
Ask yourself how would you be
If you didn’t know the day you were born
Try to love on your wife
And stay close to your friends
Toast each sundown with wine
Don’t let the old man in
(Don’t Let The Old Man In lyrics © Tokeco Tunes )