If you live in Cambridge, you may have noticed a guy riding around on his bike, wearing a red helmet and collecting aluminum cans from willing neighbors who leave them out for pick up. This dedicated individual, Chad Miller, has been collecting cans for 30 years now.
“I like cleaning up the neighborhood,” says Chad, who first began collecting cans when he was just nine years old while living in Terre Haute with his family. Chad continued his tradition even after his family moved to Wisconsin, and then Kansas. Now, after living here in Geist for over three years, Chad is building his network of neighbors who readily leave their cans near the front of their garage or at the foot of their driveway for Chad’s daily pickup. Some people even drop them off at his house when they are in the area.
“Chad didn’t start collecting cans for the monetary income, but rather to keep the neighborhood picked up and to allow residents to recycle for free,” says Chuck Miller, Chad’s father. Chad’s devotion has become one of his main hobbies in addition to fishing, putting puzzles together and collecting sports hats. “I have 469 hats so far,” says Chad. “My favorite teams are the Colts and Cubbies.”
Chad, who is known for being neat and organized, monitors Springstone Road, a main thoroughfare of Cambridge stretching from 96th Street to Olio Road. He picks up cans that people toss while they are passing through. Many builders have appreciated Chad’s efforts because their work crews don’t have a designated place to put their empty cans while constructing new homes. One builder, Dennis Stange, once said to Chad’s mother, (after learning their family would be moving away): “Mrs. Miller, I have to tell you, I’m sorry that Chad’s leaving because he’s got us all spoiled; now we’re going to have to start picking up our own cans.”
Chad rides about five miles almost every day throughout Cambridge, making his stops and meeting new neighbors who decide they want to help him out. He finds his contacts on his own with his outgoing personality.
“Whenever we go to a neighborhood picnic, I’m sometimes tempted to put a name tag on that reads: ‘Chad’s Mom,’” says Janell Miller, who is very proud of her well-rounded son who she describes as “handi-capable.” Residents throughout Cambridge seem to know who Chad is and many brag about his diligence and dedication.
“Chad is a sweet and courteous young man, and we so appreciate his efforts in helping to keep Cambridge a clean neighborhood,” says Cambridge HOA President, Rachel Quade, whose family always gives cans to Chad when he comes by. “I always enjoy chatting with him and seeing his smiling face!”
Chad works at Community North Hospital in the Food Service Department. He has worked at hospitals since he was 18 years old.
“We are so proud of him,” added Janell. “In spite of his obstacles, he graduated high school and has been working ever since.”
If you live in the Cambridge area and would like to donate your cans to Chad, you may contact him at 317-336-2423. In addition to cans, Chad will also pick up car and boat batteries.