After an inspired and crowd-pleasing performance during the Pike Music fest Saturday February 9, both Center Grove’s CG Sound System and Debtones were named 2nd Runner-up in their divisions. Sound System’s Mixed Show Choir competed against 7 very competitive choirs, and Debtones’ Unisex Choir held their own among 5 very strong choirs.
The group’s new shows thoroughly entertained the packed auditorium. Sound System collected caption awards for Best Show Design, and Senior, Joel Flynn was named outstanding performer of the group. Joel also received 3rd place honors for Best Solo out of 21 soloists. The Debtones also collected caption awards for Best Show Design and Senior, Mallory Eckart was named outstanding performer.
The Center Grove choirs are directed by Jennifer Dice and Jared Norman, choreographed by Andy Haines, assisted by Sheila Leachman and accompanied by Greg Sanders. The next home show is the Showcase of Champions, Thursday, March 11th at 7pm in the Center Grove Auditorium. Please visit for more information on upcoming ticket sales.