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Traders Point Christian Schools senior Maci Dodson, a passionate follower of her faith, finds her spiritual belief to be a solid foundation that guides her through life’s daily challenges. The 17-year-old, who battles anxiety, sees her faith as a source of valuable lessons.
“I think without the lord, I wouldn’t be the same person I am or go the school I am or have the friends that I have,” Dodson says. “Being a follower of Jesus has been the best thing that I have experienced and that I get to experience in years to come.”
Dodson leads the Worship Arts class each week as they perform for the student body. Some of her responsibilities include singing, assisting her instructor with song choices, assigning parts to other student members, and acquiring the instruments needed each week.
She’s also an active member of the student council, where her dedication shines through. She contributes to spirit tasks, such as selecting the days for spirit week and creating engaging TikTok videos and Instagram posts to share. She may not have a specific job title, but her commitment to making the school a better and more enjoyable place is evident in her teamwork.
“What I like about singing at Traders Point Youth is pointing people towards Jesus with my talents,” Dodson says. “It’s really scary to be so young and singing on stage, but at the same time, it’s super powerful to lead people my age and younger because it’s what I was called to do. I have so much fun with it, and I’m super grateful I’m able to experience people giving their lives to Christ and meeting the lord for the first time.”
Dodson is highly active as an intern on the Youth team, leading middle and high school students. The group plans events and participates in Midweek on Wednesdays, where youth pastors share a message and students break into age-related small groups.
“At my internship I help out with setup for Wednesday nights, but I also help make posters for specific events and social media posts,” Dodson says. “As an intern, my goal is just to deepen my knowledge of being a youth pastor/worship pastor and all it takes, and I just help out around the office wherever I can. Church is my biggest hobby. I love my church and all the opportunities I’ve been given within the church.”
Outside of her school and church commitments, Dodson’s enthusiasm for life is evident. She loves spending time with friends, making music and volunteering at a local food pantry. Her passion for helping others led her to a mission trip to Nicaragua, where she led vacation Bible school for locals.
“It was the best experience ever, just being able to help out kids and see them get connected to Christ,” Dodson says.